A Call for Stability and Backward Compatibility

Well spoken and 100% agree.

And you can add:

  • the localization-Array that just disappears with v5. Poof - and it’s gone.
  • Lifecycles (huge pain migrating from v3 to v4) now also again get a small change: Poof - and they are middlewares now.

It’s really frustrating that on one hand your presentations, blog-posts and announcements are full of promises (easy migration, migration-tool, not again that pain like v4) and how easy things are however if you have a look into it as developer: most of it is not true or not true yet.

I wanted to migrate 1-2 plugins that some customers use quite fast after the v5 go-live however if I read something like this:

on the end of august and maybe roughly 1? or 2? months before estimated release: I am shocked.

Investing time and resources to develop plugin(s) for the marketplace and getting smashed with a wooden hammer each major release: Meh.