Caching graphql query results with Strapi


Has anyone been able to use the shouldReadFromCache and shouldWriteToCache methods from the sample code (which btw works well)?

I am trying to remove some queries from being cached, otherwise it’s quite unusable to cache everything.



Your query will be identified by the key: requestContext.operationName. Simply retrieve your query name and use a switch (or if statement) to return false when it matches.



async function shouldReadFromCache(requestContext) {
switch (requestContext.operationName) {
return false

return true

@Roy is it possible to clear the cache for a specific query instead of clearing everything?

meanwhile, here is a library that work out of the box.
10Life/strapi-plugin-advanced-cache-manager: A Cache Management for Strapi. (

@abisewski Yes, you can clear cache that having the max age as you defined in the configuration.


Does this still work Roy? Due to the deprecated deprecated apollo-server-caching? Deprecation Error: apollo-server-core and apollo-server-cache-redis · Issue #6 · 10Life/strapi-plugin-advanced-cache-manager · GitHub

Hey @Roy and @lozcozard, Im also looking into using Redis cache and thank you for putting together the library Roy! Just wondering about the same question as @lozcozard, will there be an update to use new libraries because of the deprecation?