Collection view (layout) resets every time Strapi is deployed

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.10.2
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.01
  • Database: Postgres 14
  • Node Version: 16.19.1
  • NPM Version: 8.19.3
  • Yarn Version: 1.22.19

Hey guys,

So I had a project on Strapi v3 for a while and after a few hard-working months I managed to migrate it to Strapi v4 and I also managed to get everything running smoothly in production.

However, there is still one issue that I can’t manage to resolve: the collections (and single-types) list & entry views. I configure the fields, give them labels, set the size, etc., and save them. Even for the lists themselves, I set what fields to be displayed, sorting options, etc. and everything works fine, for the moment. However, if I make a code change and redeploy the app, some views reset (or even all of them; it seems “random”).

I simply can’t get the views to remain saved. After each redeploy at least something is reset. It seems that the table “strapi_core_store_settings” is kinda bugged but I can’t seem to understand why.

Can you help me figure it out? Did anyone else had the same/similar problem?

Thank you!

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I have exactly the same problem as you, my project was in Strapi 3 and I migrated to Strapi 4.

I noticed a certain pattern. It seems that the “old” content-types (created in strapi 3) are the ones that reset, and all the “new” content-types (created in strapi 4) remain bug-free.
In the next few weeks I will calmly analyze the functioning of this table in relation to the strapi code to find this error… because as I work with large data (consequently large form) and we have 1-2 deployments every week, it is unfeasible to have to always redo it in Hand this part.

By the way, thanks for citing this table,
I always racked my brains to find where strapi saved the organization of the form hahaha

I found the reason for the problem and how to solve it, here it is: