Crash on 'npm run develop'

Strapi 5.8.1
Node 20.14.0
npm 10.7.0
mysql 9.1.0

Steps :

  • npx create-strapi@latest my-strapi-project
  • answering all the question (mysql as DB)
  • strapi installed correctly
  • npm run develop
Then I got this error :
Error: alter table `i18n_locale` add index `i18n_locale_documents_idx`(`document_id`, `locale`, `published_at`)    ││   - La clé est trop longue. Longueur maximale: 1000                                                                  ││   at Packet.asError (e:\node\mediaswho\node_modules\mysql2\lib\packets\packet.js:728:17)                             ││   at Query.execute (e:\node\mediaswho\node_modules\mysql2\lib\commands\command.js:29:26)                             ││   at Connection.handlePacket (e:\node\mediaswho\node_modules\mysql2\lib\connection.js:481:34)                        ││   at PacketParser.onPacket (e:\node\mediaswho\node_modules\mysql2\lib\connection.js:97:12)                           ││   at PacketParser.executeStart (e:\node\mediaswho\node_modules\mysql2\lib\packet_parser.js:75:16)                    ││   at Socket.<anonymous> (e:\node\mediaswho\node_modules\mysql2\lib\connection.js:104:25)                             ││   at Socket.emit (node:events:519:28)                                                                                ││   at Socket.emit (node:domain:488:12)                                                                                ││   at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:559:12)                                                                ││   at readableAddChunkPushByteMode (node:internal/streams/readable:510:3)

Sorry, found the issue myself.

It was a collation issue with mysql instance, I change it to latin1_swedish_ci and everything OK