Custom field and autofill content

You should be able to just import it.

something weird is happening

In my custom field, I am doing a fetch to a content type

but its giving me unauthorized, while the Public role has find and findOne access to all

This fetch is happening from the same server

Probably this, having this exact same problem

Well, you are calling the content-api I suppose. Strapi has something called an admin API, that you probably have to use.

See here for example:

You mean custom made endpoints?

The routers

isnt a simple ‘‘get’’ a ‘‘find’’ that is in the core engine, but basically the same logic as any other router?

You are calling as an admin though, not as a user. Not sure ff the coreRouter would provide admin routes as well.

Dont think so

So, i guess you need custom routes with the type ‘admin’, so you can call these.

Interesting, thanks a lot, will try

There is a special hook

I think it’s useFetchClient

Line 36 strapi-plugin-categorizer/admin/src/components/CategorizerInput/index.tsx at develop · antokhio/strapi-plugin-categorizer · GitHub

And that’s where you can look how route are done strapi-plugin-categorizer/server/routes at develop · antokhio/strapi-plugin-categorizer · GitHub

I need help to add a field with text field, as the current field does have only name, i also want to add description and placeholder as i am trying to use it as a form, can anyone help me with extending content type text to have additional field i.e. description, placeholder