Custom field and autofill content

The routers

isnt a simple ‘‘get’’ a ‘‘find’’ that is in the core engine, but basically the same logic as any other router?

You are calling as an admin though, not as a user. Not sure ff the coreRouter would provide admin routes as well.

Dont think so

So, i guess you need custom routes with the type ‘admin’, so you can call these.

Interesting, thanks a lot, will try

There is a special hook

I think it’s useFetchClient

Line 36 strapi-plugin-categorizer/admin/src/components/CategorizerInput/index.tsx at develop · antokhio/strapi-plugin-categorizer · GitHub

And that’s where you can look how route are done strapi-plugin-categorizer/server/routes at develop · antokhio/strapi-plugin-categorizer · GitHub

I need help to add a field with text field, as the current field does have only name, i also want to add description and placeholder as i am trying to use it as a form, can anyone help me with extending content type text to have additional field i.e. description, placeholder