Deployed strapi admin panel trying to hit localhost:1337

For me, simply rebuilding the panel BEFORE running yarn dev / yarn start helped.
This helped me:

rm -r .cache build node_modules yarn.lock package-lock.json
yarn build
yarn dev

From there you can try if it all works and then CTRL+C quit the process and continue with your production build and pm2.

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Hey, if you run your project in production mode it is working as well? I have the same issue with the problem redirecting the /init to localhost instead to my domain.

Esto me ayudó. Al final hice muchos ajustes.
1-construir e iniciar con (NODE_ENV=production npm run build / NODE_ENV=production npm start)
2-editar el archivo confing/server.js y agregar (url: env(‘PUBLIC_URL’ “HTTP://publicIP”) DEBO INTENTAR CON MI DOMINIO AQUÍ*
3-Agregar la variable STRAPI_ADMIN_BACKEND_URL=sin ningun valor en el .env
4-rm -R yarn.lock, node_modules, package-lock.json
5-y funcionó!!!

Acepto sugerencias y comentarios. :smiley:

NPM 14.21.1 strapi 4.4.6

Hi all. I’m trying to do
1.NODE_ENV=production npm run build
2. NODE_ENV=production npm run start

But there is still a message in the console

//./config/server.js module.exports = ({ env }) => ({ host: env('HOST', ''), port:'PORT', 1337), app: { keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'), }, });

Create ./config/env/production/server.js

admin : {
url: env(“PUBLIC_URL”)


Create ./config/env/production/server.js

url: env(“PUBLIC_URL”)


Lost 1 day of my life …

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I have the same problem. I’m building in Azure, but setting NODE_ENV=production. Getting the same error with localhost:1337 url request when accessing the admin area.

I have ‘localhost’ in my configs anywhere I can find…

I think this might be an issue with 4.4.7.

Thank you, Mansoor! The STRAPI_ADMIN_BACKEND_URL= worked for me for version 4.5.1. As the ‘npm run build’ just did not want to fix the problem

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We had the same problem with versions 4.5.6 and 4.6.0 on some projects, and we finally realised that it was a problem with imports in our custom plugins. Try to check if you plugins can be built properly.

Changes in imports, e.g:

// before
import { Button } from "@strapi/design-system/Button";

// after
import { Button } from "@strapi/design-system";

How did incorrect plugin imports affect the backendURL?

How did you figure this out?

I’m faced with a similar problem where the admin panel attempts to GET from localhost, despite NODE_ENV and STRAPI_ADMIN_BACKEND_URL being set during build.

rm -r .cache build node_modules yarn.lock package-lock.json
yarn build
yarn dev

worked for me, too

After finding on internet, I figured out that we need to build out app.

I was abit confused with the NODE_ENV=production, thought it’s for production already, but no, it just builds the app in production mode.

So after you have your project generated with strapi new ... , we need to add our own Dockerfile, I take it from Strapi sample production Dockerfile. Then we build our own image and run it.

Nothing works, as long as I’m using strapi, “Warning:
An error occurred while requesting the API” is always with me, whether I run 「npm run build」 or not

Hi team @DMehaffy,

Any consideration of this widespread issue? It seems that the topic is not solved, it will soon be 2 years old and seems a very basic functionality we reasonably expect for a CMS. Taking as it is strapi’s sample projects (from npx, foodvisor…) and building with the method described in the doc just doesn’t work. Keeps hitting localhost

Could you please provide a detailed, reproducible way to avoid this error?

We would all be grateful :pray:t2:

strapi is very good but running it only on localhost it’s not that useful :heartbeat:


Totally agree, this is a huge pain point which is preventing lots of people and organizations using Strapi as their to-go preferred headless cms.

2 weeks has passed since I started getting this problem and I didn’t found a solution yet. Still trying but if someone could provide a proven and reproducible way to deploy a strapi app in production then yeah, this could be great for all of us struggling with this issue.

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:thinking: Total javascript / nodejs noob guy here. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I am trying to do this:

process.env.PUBLIC_URL for a plugin, but the PUBLIC_URL says undefined.

This PUBLIC_URL should automatically change depending if it is localhost or on an actual www domain.

The error I am receiving.

The resource from “http://localhost:1337/admin/content-manager/collectionType/api::article.article/undefined/tinymce/tinymce.min.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).

From this plugin index.js

{process.env.url + '/tinymce/tinymce.min.js'}

My current development config/server.js

'use strict';

const cronTasks = require('./src/cron-tasks');

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  host: env('HOST', ''),
  port:'PORT', 1337),
  url: 'http://localhost:1337',
  cron: {
    enabled: true,
    tasks: cronTasks,
  app: {
    keys: env.array('APP_KEYS', ['toBeModified1', 'toBeModified2']),
  webhooks: {
    // TODO: V5, set to false by default
    // Receive populated relations in webhook and db lifecycle payloads
    // This only populates relations in all content-manager endpoints
    populateRelations: env.bool('WEBHOOKS_POPULATE_RELATIONS', true),

TinyMCE self-hosted is looking for this file:

tinymceScriptSrc={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/tinymce/tinymce.min.js'}

but PUBLIC_URL is undefined. This file is located in the local root tinymce plugin directory via public/tinymce/tinymce.min.js.

After editing my server.js file to add a public URL:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  host: env('HOST', ''),
  url: env("PUBLIC_URL", "http://localhost:1337"),
  port:'PORT', 1337),
  app: {
    keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
  webhooks: {
    populateRelations: env.bool('WEBHOOKS_POPULATE_RELATIONS', false),

I started getting the issue reported above on my deployed instance, the PUBLIC_URL would always default. It turns out this is compiled into admin build-time so if you have it setup like this, you will need to supply the PUBLIC_URL as a build-time argument to your docker file:


ARG PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost:1337


docker build --build-arg="NODE_ENV=production" --build-arg="PUBLIC_URL=${{ env.PUBLIC_URL }}"
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I looked around and found
Server | Strapi Documentation page.

After I added both

url: env('PUBLIC_URL', ''),
proxy: env.bool('IS_PROXIED', true),

My server on Azure web app is working and no longer hit localhost:1337

hoped this helps :slight_smile:

Worked for me !

Hello Sir, I need the same error as you, I am deployed on Ali cloud function, may I ask how to solve this problem without rebuilding, thank you