Help getting started with expanding the Users

Hey Richard! Cheers, I’ve genuinely enjoyed using Strapi so far too :slight_smile:
I have gotten that going since I asked the question alright, and I get that linked Content Type back in the response when I log in as a user too

I have also been referring to the answer you gave me on retrieving auth’d user data which has helped me get to a certain point where I have something working but 2 requests are needed. I am getting the users/me response, but that doesn’t have the linked content type in the response. What I can do is get my ID from users/me, and then run a query on UsersPermissionsUser to get a user by that ID and then I get the user type with my linked content types. I’m using the GraphQL plugin (the schemas to the side were very helpful too)

I was wondering if there’s any way for me to bridge this gap at the moment? Right now I dont really want to leave this as is because it opens up the search users by ID which isn’t ideal to me. I understand this may be very specific so no hassle if not, I’ve already made huge progress thanks to your answers so thank you again :slight_smile: