How to make my project production 1-Click DigitalOcean

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 3.5.0
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Database: default Digital Ocean
  • Node Version: v12.22.1
  • NPM Version: v6.14.12
  • Yarn Version: v1.22.4

I have set up Strapi with One Click installation and it is time to turn it into production. There are three things I wonder about. How do I get ssh on the page, should I use Cloudflare? How do I make it into production, have a little idea, but is this correct?

yarn install --production=true
NODE_ENV=production yarn build

How do I run the Vue page on the same server?

I highly recommend to use PM2 to deploy apps in production. It have a Deploy feature, if you configure it right, you can put it in production only with one command. Also Strapi is configurable with PM2, take a look.