How to override image-manipulation file in V4?

System Information
  • **Strapi Version4.1.3:
  • **Operating SystemWindows 11:
  • **DatabasePostgres:
  • **Node Version14.17.3:
  • **NPM Version6.14.13:
  • **Yarn VersionNA:

I’m attempting to override the image-manipulation.js file for the upload plugin in V4 but not sure I am doing it correctly. I have tried putting a copy of the image-manipulation.js file in the extensions/upload/services directory but it does not seem to pick up any changes I make to the file. Also attempted to override one of the methods by creating a strapi-server.js file in the extensions/upload directory but could not get it to work. Could someone give me some guidance on how I should best accomplish overriding the methods in the image-manipulation.js file?


Do anyone have solution?

You just need to create a file called strapi-server.js in the folder ./src/extensions/upload/, so it would look like this: ./src/extensions/upload/strapi-server.js. Then, within this file, you must export the module so that it can be called and integrate image-manipulation.js into it.


// ./src/extensions/upload/strapi-server.js

module.exports = (plugin) => {  
  // image-manipulation.js

  return plugin; 

You can obtain the content of image-manipulation.js from the GitHub repository, located at packages/core/upload/server/services/image-manipulation.js.

Also, remember to modify this line:
const { getService } = require('../utils');
to this one:
const getService = (name) => {return strapi.plugin('upload').service(name);}; .

This is the final result. I have modified the isImage function so that it does not send the file to Sharp if I verify that it is larger than 2GB because it was causing me buffer errors with Node

'use strict';

 * Image manipulation functions
const fs = require('fs');
const { join } = require('path');
const sharp = require('sharp');

const {
  file: { bytesToKbytes, writableDiscardStream },
} = require('@strapi/utils');
const getService = (name) => {return strapi.plugin('upload').service(name);};
const FORMATS_TO_RESIZE = ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'tiff', 'gif'];
const FORMATS_TO_PROCESS = ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'tiff', 'svg', 'gif', 'avif'];
const FORMATS_TO_OPTIMIZE = ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'tiff', 'avif'];

const writeStreamToFile = (stream, path) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(path);
    // Reject promise if there is an error with the provided stream
    stream.on('error', reject);
    writeStream.on('close', resolve);
    writeStream.on('error', reject);

const getMetadata = (file) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const pipeline = sharp();

const getDimensions = async (file) => {
  const { width = null, height = null } = await getMetadata(file);
  return { width, height };

  width: 245,
  height: 156,
  fit: 'inside',

const resizeFileTo = async (file, options, { name, hash }) => {
  const filePath = join(file.tmpWorkingDirectory, hash);

  await writeStreamToFile(file.getStream().pipe(sharp().resize(options)), filePath);
  const newFile = {
    ext: file.ext,
    mime: file.mime,
    path: file.path || null,
    getStream: () => fs.createReadStream(filePath),

  const { width, height, size } = await getMetadata(newFile);

  Object.assign(newFile, { width, height, size: bytesToKbytes(size) });
  return newFile;

const generateThumbnail = async (file) => {
  if (
    file.width > THUMBNAIL_RESIZE_OPTIONS.width ||
    file.height > THUMBNAIL_RESIZE_OPTIONS.height
  ) {
    const newFile = await resizeFileTo(file, THUMBNAIL_RESIZE_OPTIONS, {
      name: `thumbnail_${}`,
      hash: `thumbnail_${file.hash}`,
    return newFile;

  return null;

 * Optimize image by:
 *    - auto orienting image based on EXIF data
 *    - reduce image quality
const optimize = async (file) => {
  const { sizeOptimization = false, autoOrientation = false } = await getService(

  const newFile = { ...file };

  const { width, height, size, format } = await getMetadata(newFile);

  if (sizeOptimization || autoOrientation) {
    const transformer = sharp();
    // reduce image quality
    transformer[format]({ quality: sizeOptimization ? 80 : 100 });
    // rotate image based on EXIF data
    if (autoOrientation) {
    const filePath = join(file.tmpWorkingDirectory, `optimized-${file.hash}`);

    await writeStreamToFile(file.getStream().pipe(transformer), filePath);

    newFile.getStream = () => fs.createReadStream(filePath);

  const { width: newWidth, height: newHeight, size: newSize } = await getMetadata(newFile);

  if (newSize > size) {
    // Ignore optimization if output is bigger than original
    return { ...file, width, height, size: bytesToKbytes(size) };

  return Object.assign(newFile, {
    width: newWidth,
    height: newHeight,
    size: bytesToKbytes(newSize),

  large: 1000,
  medium: 750,
  small: 500,

const getBreakpoints = () => strapi.config.get('plugin.upload.breakpoints', DEFAULT_BREAKPOINTS);

const generateResponsiveFormats = async (file) => {
  const { responsiveDimensions = false } = await getService('upload').getSettings();

  if (!responsiveDimensions) return [];

  const originalDimensions = await getDimensions(file);

  const breakpoints = getBreakpoints();
  return Promise.all(
    Object.keys(breakpoints).map((key) => {
      const breakpoint = breakpoints[key];

      if (breakpointSmallerThan(breakpoint, originalDimensions)) {
        return generateBreakpoint(key, { file, breakpoint, originalDimensions });

      return undefined;

const generateBreakpoint = async (key, { file, breakpoint }) => {
  const newFile = await resizeFileTo(
      width: breakpoint,
      height: breakpoint,
      fit: 'inside',
      name: `${key}_${}`,
      hash: `${key}_${file.hash}`,
  return {
    file: newFile,

const breakpointSmallerThan = (breakpoint, { width, height }) => {
  return breakpoint < width || breakpoint < height;

// TODO V5: remove isSupportedImage
const isSupportedImage = (...args) => {
    '[deprecated] In future versions, `isSupportedImage` will be removed. Replace it with `isImage` or `isOptimizableImage` instead.'

  return isOptimizableImage(...args);

 *  Applies a simple image transformation to see if the image is faulty/corrupted.
const isFaultyImage = (file) =>
  new Promise((resolve) => {
      .on('error', () => resolve(true))
      .on('error', () => resolve(true))
      .on('close', () => resolve(false));

const isOptimizableImage = async (file) => {
  let format;
  try {
    const metadata = await getMetadata(file);
    format = metadata.format;
  } catch (e) {
    // throw when the file is not a supported image
    return false;
  return format && FORMATS_TO_OPTIMIZE.includes(format);

const isResizableImage = async (file) => {
  let format;
  try {
    const metadata = await getMetadata(file);
    format = metadata.format;
  } catch (e) {
    // throw when the file is not a supported image
    return false;
  return format && FORMATS_TO_RESIZE.includes(format);

const isImage = async (file) => {
  let format;
  try {
    if (file.size > 2097152){
      return false
    } else {
    const metadata = await getMetadata(file);

    format = metadata.format;
  } catch (e) {
    // throw when the file is not a supported image
    return false;
  return format && FORMATS_TO_PROCESS.includes(format);

module.exports = (plugin) => {['image-manipulation'] = {

  return plugin;