New release: Strapi v4.1.1

Hello everyone! We made a new “out of schedule” release today that addressed a small security issue in our CLI and in doing so also released a few other bug fixes and enhancements:

Security Fixes

  • Use execa instead of and execa.command


  • Append new fields instead of prepend on the ListSettingsView
  • Use streams instead of buffers in the upload plugin :partying_face:
  • Various dependencies updates

Bug Fixes

  • Fix some content-manager view settings that were being overwritten on boostrap
  • Fix date formatting across timezones
  • Remove all time related data on the date type
  • Fix using Strapi with DigitalOcean’s managed database (or any DB that requires primary keys)
  • Fix missing keyword during GraphQL error formatting

Check out Github for more details. Many thanks for your contributions! :purple_heart:
Also, the new marketplace is listing more and more plugins every day so don’t forget to check it out :grin: