Strapi.service OR strapi.db

Hi @Eventyret,
I think that this confusion between strapi.service and strapi.entityService (me also → What is the difference between strapi.service() and strapi.entityService()) is caused by the documentation. In fact in the controllers section when you looking for a replacing of a core action, the documentation refers to strapi.service.

  // Method 3: Replacing a core action
  async findOne(ctx) {
    const { id } = ctx.params;
    const { query } = ctx;

    const entity = await strapi.service('').findOne(id, query);
    const sanitizedEntity = await this.sanitizeOutput(entity, ctx);

    return this.transformResponse(sanitizedEntity);

furthermore there is no documentation about transformResponse and sanitizeOutput (or sanitizeInput) so this generate a big confusion.
For what i understood there are 4 method to build a new controller.
super when you want to use an unique function with sanitize and transform functions included (with also meta object)
strapi.service with no documentation (only an example in the backend customization section) that seems to be a entityService API with some more date like meta object
strapi.entityService that is the documented API that

is the layer that handles strapi’s complex data structures

but when you want to expose it to the front-end (if you want to keep the structure with data-attributes) you have to sanitize (??) and transform the response before to expose it.

strapi.db.connection that is a lower level of entityService.

I’m right?