Use multipart in lifecycle strapi v4?

I don’t understand

Shouldn’t it be in data?

You it may be data

Like example shows

I’ve wouldn’t say that I use this quite a lot :wink:

Ok, so you’re not sure about it being called body

No not 100%

Yea I think it should be data

const formData = new FormData();

const data = {
    relation: { id: relationId}

formData.append('data', JSON.stringify( data )
if (!['submit', 'file'].includes(type)) {
          data[name] = hasRelation(type)? relation: {  id: value}: value;

That’s overkill

when you do relation you should provide id

Yeah, it’s the id

Are you sure about it being called relation?

Because I have seen it being called connect

And also how does it tell if it something specific?

It’s name of relation

It’s not really a relation

Basically i am using a component in the content type

It’s not a function name