500 (Internal Server Error)

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 3.6.3
  • Operating System: windows 11
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Node Version: 12.19.0
  • NPM Version: 6.14.8
  • Yarn Version:

How to solve errors.

Browser error

Code error

This is a ‘catch-all’ error generated by the Web server. The first thing you need to know about an “Internal Server Error” is that the error can only be resolved by fixes to the Web server software. It is not a client-side problem meaning that the problem is not with your browser, your computer, or your internet connection. 500 Internal Server Error response code indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. However, there are often ways to quickly get around the problem:

  • Very commonly, incorrect permissions on a file or folder that contains one of the scripts causes this this error.
  • Reload your browser (press F5) or try with another one. The chances that the page will load when you refresh your browser are low, but still, it’s worth giving it a try.
  • Try to clear your browser cache. If the page that shows 500 error is cached, after the cache is cleared, the browser will request a new version of the page.
  • Come back later. The webmaster may fix the server issue in the meantime.
  • A Coding Error in .htaccess. While not as common, be sure to check that your site’s .htaccess file is properly structured.
  • Contact the website owners. The last remaining option is to get in touch with the person responsible for maintaining the website.

@reekjohns Thank you for answering my question. :heart:

But long ago my problem was solved. I am hopeful that if I have any more queries, Then my question will be answered.



May I ask what you did to resolve this issue, I’m experiencing the same and have tried the suggested options but doesn’t seem to work.

It’s not the exact same issue, it’s when I’m trying to log into the backend I get “Internal Server Error”.

Any help would be appreciated :grinning:

A 500 Internal Server Error is a common error message that suggests an issue occurred on the server while processing a request. Resolving this error can be challenging due to the various potential causes. However, there are several steps you can take to address it. First, try refreshing the page or clearing your browser’s cache and cookies to eliminate temporary errors. If the error persists, attempting to access the website using a different browser might solve the problem. If none of these steps work, contacting the website’s administrator for assistance is recommended. Additional tips for troubleshooting a 500 Internal Server Error include checking the website’s status page for known issues, reviewing the website’s error logs to identify the underlying cause, and ensuring that your browser is up to date to ensure compatibility with the website.

De igual manera me pasó lo mismo. Estaba trabajando en un proyecto con ReactJS y me enviaba ese mismo error (500: Internal Server Error) al hacer un inicio de sesión. Pero después me di cuenta que lo que estaba enviando era un texto plano y no un json, me faltaba agregar un header: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ } al fetch