Add a Custom OAuth2/OpenID Connect Provider to Strapi v4

This article will cover the required steps to add a custom OAuth2/OpenID Connect provider to Strapi v4.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi, thanks a lot for the article @ChristopheCVB!

I was reading it and I found a few typos, is there a way I can fix them for you so that they reflect on the Strapi Blog?

Thanks for your advice!

The Strapi custom provider is unavailable and not shown in the providers list when dockerized.

I have to say this is extremely overly engineered and terrible practice. There has to be a better way to add a custom provider to Strapi.

I love the platform and use it constantly, but this is one of the ugliest authentication implementations I’ve seen.

Please tell me there is a better option than editing code in the node_modules folder. Ive spent 8 hours trying to get a custom provider running before finding this. If this is the solution, its a deal breaker.

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Can’t agree with you more! But I believe the elegant way you want is in the Enterprise plan, which is not free. So as ugly as it is, at least it’s free!

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True, but I found a way to override the default behavior and allow new providers without modifications to core code. I see why no one is eager to help with that issue though.

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Can you share how?

I have successfully authenticated with the custom provider, in my case it is Autodesk. I followed the above documentation and followed additional steps for integration.

  1. Add postinstall script to package.json : In your package.json file, add the "postinstall": "patch-package" script. This script ensures that patch-package is run automatically after npm installs your dependencies.
  2. Install Dependencies and Patch Changes : After adding the postinstall script, run npm install to install the dependencies and automatically patch any changes using patch-package.
  3. Update Frontend URL Rewrite : Ensure that your frontend makes requests to the appropriate endpoint for the custom provider. In my case, it’s important to call http://localhost:1337/api/connect/autodesk for the Autodesk provider.
  4. Ensure that the custom provider’s GET request in providers-registry.js
    matches the provider documentation’s routes.