System Information
- Strapi Version: 5.0.0-rc.12
- Operating System: MacOS
- Database: SQLite
- Node Version: v20.16.0
- NPM Version: 10.8.1
- Yarn Version: 1.22.22
I have made a simple custom controller for findOne on the content type “case-study” to find by slug instead of id.
In the frontend, I want the view that renders this entry to include links to the next and previous entries, but I’d prefer to not make three API calls. Is there a way to add some criteria to my controller to also return the slug of next and previous? I could then build the link href on the frontend with those slugs. I suppose I would need to give it some sorting criteria as well.
Here’s my controller so far:
module.exports = createCoreController(
({ strapi }) => ({
async findOne(ctx) {
await this.validateQuery(ctx);
const { slug } = ctx.params;
const entity = await strapi.db
where: { slug },
populate: true,
const sanitizedEntity = await this.sanitizeOutput(entity, ctx);
return this.transformResponse(sanitizedEntity);