Admin Panel translations do no work

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.24.4
  • Operating System: Mac0S
  • Database: mySQL
  • Node Version: v18.18.2
  • NPM Version:
  • Yarn Version:

I want to translate the Admin panel in french,
so i have this src/ file :

export default {
  config: {
    locales: ["fr"],
    translations : {
      fr : {
        "Content Manager": "Manager FR",
        "Content Type Builder": "Content Types Builder FR"
  bootstrap() {},

I run npm run develop, but any of these two translations are displayed on my panel :

I have other translation (‘Gestion du contenu’) which does not exist in my files !
Is there a cache ?
I tried npm run build, then npm run develop, but no change…

I tried to add ./src/extensions/translations/fr.json file, but it does not work either…

Any idea ?
thanks !

Up ! Anyone has answer ?

In general, you need to translate by keys. Find them in the stock Strapi files for the English language and translate them.
However, with the Content Type Builder, it also doesn’t work for me. Because it’s a plugin, its translation needs to be registered differently, and I still don’t understand how. There is zero documentation on this.