Admin React Context query

Hi all, in the admin application, I’m looking for a reference to the theme configuration objects (colors etc), and it’s not on the StrapiAppContext. Where is it?

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It’s alright. Strapi has a wobbly if the Component in customFields.register isn’t in an object that looks like a module: i.e register({module : Component})

      "name" :     "editorjs-field",
      "pluginId" : pluginId,
      "type"      : "json",
      "components" : {
         Input: async () => {
          const Module = (await import ('./components/Editor'));
          const Component = Module.default;
          const inst : React.FC<any> = ( ({...props}) => {
            return (
            <ThemeContext.Provider value={app.configurations.theme} >
              <Component {...props}></Component>
          return { default : inst } ;
        //Input : () => <div></div>
      intlLabel: {
        id: `${pluginId}`,
        defaultMessage: 'editorJs',
      intlDescription: {
        id: `${pluginId}.plugin.customField.description`,
        defaultMessage: "editorjs custom field",
      validator : () => yup.mixed().nullable()