Allow Author role to edit contents that they do not manage?

Hi all,

Currently Author users can only create/manage contents that they own. Is there any way that we can allow an author to manage contents that owned by other authors?

I am happy to update the code of content-manager plugin, just suggest me some ideas.

Thanks in advance.

What you are trying to achieve is called Editor role. Change the user’s role from Author to Editor, so now he will be able to also modify content that is added by other users.

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I read in the blog by strapi that the editors can be assigned specific authors and they can edit the content for those specific authors (not all the authors). Can you please tell me a way to do so?

The exact text from the blog is: *

“Just like a conventional blog, editors can replace media posted by an author. When you customize roles in the admin panel, you can give permissions to editors to access only posts by authors assigned to them.”

Blog ref: Understanding Strapi’s User Roles and Permissions for Admin Panel

is there any answer to it yet? Really looking fwd to this.