Backedup Postgres from deployment and restored in development still not able to see data

Hello All:
I am trying to save my data thats been entered in deployment. I backed up the postgres database on the deployment server. I downloaded and restored it on my development machine. I replicated all of the other strapi code from the deployment machine to my development machine via github. However when I open my development version of strapi I dont see any content types. Offcourse since they dont exist, the data is not there. How do I migrate my content types and the data that they contain to my development machine?

System Information
  • Strapi Version:
  • Operating System:
  • Database:
  • Node Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Yarn Version:

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I used pg_dump to backup the database and restored it locally. I have the whole database restored locally. I have the code base replicated locally. How does one backup a full strapi install. Someone is entering data. I want a backup. I should be able to restore it. How do Ido it? How is strapi data stored? If not in the database, then how what where? Please help.

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I figured out how to backup data from a strapi installation to another. Or in otherwords to clone a strapi installation including content types data and all. I have done a blog post that describes the process. It is here

[Strapi: Backing up data in a Strapi installation | by Arjun Singh Kochhar | May, 2022 | Medium](https://How to backup strapi data or clone a strapi install including data)

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