Building a Learning Platform with Strapi CMS and Gridsome

This article is a guest post by Chimezie Enyinnaya. He wrote this blog post through the Write for the Community program. If you are passionate about everything jamstack, open-source or javascript and want to share, join the writer's guild!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi, I’m following this tutorial but i’m encountering an issue at the “The courses page” step.
As mentionned in the tutorial, after changing the gridsome.server.js file, I saved and tried to reload the server with gridsome develop but i got this error message :

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1146:16)

I send a screenshot of my gridsome.server.js file

Do you have any tips ?

Hey Miracle - is there any way to do a “forgot password” route for users also? I feel as if this is a core functionality that may have got overlooked?

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Hey @gkurl
Thanks for pointing that out. I believe the forgot password functionality is important but was overlooked. The original author (I only updated the article to be compatible with Strapi v4) may have a couple of valid reasons for not including it as the article was already getting quite lengthy.

Thankfully, implementation doesn’t seem complicated. Here’s a great guide on Strapi Roles and Permissions to get started with.
Also, this article on authentication with Vue.js implements the forgotten password functionality, but I fear it may not have been updated with Strapi v4.

Wish you all the best! :raised_hands:t5:

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Thank you for getting back to me! I didn’t realise v4 strapi was out and artcle needed updating, this is fantastic! Thanks for those links - with that article about authentication that isn’t updated, what are the main differences between that and the v4 version? Also, if that needed doing would it be adaptable into Vuex like in this article?

Thanks for usefull info!

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