Building a Multi-language Blog with Strapi and Next.js

In an age where the world is more interconnected than ever before, the ability to communicate across borders and languages is an invaluable skill. Imagine having the power to share your thoughts, ideas, and stories with people from diverse corners of the globe. That's the exciting journey we're embarking on today.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello i puted in rich text editor text with markdown.

2. Eco-friendly Menus



Digital menus mean fewer printouts, less waste, and an overall greener approach to running a café. It’s a small change that can contribute significantly to reducing a café’s environmental footprint.

Why it doesn’t change to like that(bold)?

Eco-friendly Menus



Digital menus mean fewer printouts, less waste, and an overall greener approach to running a café. It’s a small change that can contribute significantly to reducing a café’s environmental footprint.