Can not edit admin panel login title, subtitle, left menu title and workplace in version 4.15.4

Recently, I installed Strapi version 4.15.4 and initiated a new project. While working on the admin panel customization, I set all the necessary things to update in app.tsx, as I have done before. But now the customization is not reflecting on the admin site. Can anyone please help me? I have missed anything or done something wrong.

I have done all the possible changes to fix it, like deleting the .chace folder, reinstalling the node_modules, and building the app using strapi build.

export default {
  config: {
    locales: ["en", "fr"],
    auth: {
      logo: "./extensions/logo.svg",
    head: {
      favicon: "./extensions/logo.svg",
    menu: {
      logo: "./extensions/logo.svg",
    translations: {
      en: {
        "Auth.form.welcome.title": "My CMS",
        "Auth.form.welcome.subtitle": "Log in to My CMS Admin Panel",
        "Auth.form.button.login.strapi": "Log into My CMS Admin Panel",
        "app.components.LeftMenu.navbrand.title": "My CMS",
        "app.components.LeftMenu.navbrand.workplace": "Admin Panel",
    // Disable video tutorials
    tutorials: false,
    // Disable notifications about new Strapi releases
    notifications: { releases: false },
  bootstrap(app) {

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.15.4
  • Operating System: Windows
  • Database: Postgress
  • Node Version: 18.18.0
  • NPM Version: 9.8.1
  • Yarn Version: 1.22.19

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That is a bug in 4.15+ I would downgrate to 4.14.6 or wait for 4.15.5 to come out since that one should have the fix

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thanks! That’s saved me a bunch of time

does this error still exist?