Cannot use filters with strapi with postgres

Hey! I am in the process of deploying my strapi app on to my server with dokku. I am using postgres as a database. I can create content and also retrieve the data from the api but I cannot use the filters. I get the follwing error in the apps log:

error: select "t0".*, "t0"."id", "t0"."created_by_id", "t0"."updated_by_id" from "projects" as "t0" where ((("t0"."labels" like $1) or ("t0"."labels" like $2)) and "t0"."published_at" is not null) limit $3 - operator does not exist: jsonb ~~ unknown

It seems that dokku is using a fairly new version of postgres which definetly has support of jsonb. Or do I need to structure the query differently? This is how I structure the query string:*&filters[labels][$contains]=website&filters[$or][1][labels][$contains]=app

which works in development on my local machine with sqlite…

Have you fixed this error?
I’m getting a similar one but when deploying to Render

Which Strapi version are you on and what node version are you using. I am going to see if I can replicate the issue.