I am forming graphql query in strapi v3 graphql playground. I have 2 collections and they are related each other by one field.
I am going to group one collection records by related collection’s specific field and sort the grouped records by “name” field. But as they are using same primary key fields called “id” internally, I get - column “item_sub_categories.id” must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function - error message as response.
Following is my graphql query.
query {
itemSubCategoriesConnection(sort: "name:asc") {
groupBy {
minorCategory {
connection {
values {
To summarize, I am going to query ItemSubCategories collection and here, minorCategory field is what binds ItemSubCategories collection to ItemMinorCategories collection as 1:1 relationship.
How can I address this issue?
(Note: My strapi version is v3.6.8)