Confirmation email using sendgrid

Hi everyone, I’m using the sendgrid plugin to send confirmation email, I authenticated my sender and my domain, but I have a few question :grin:

so I got 2 url :
1- my backend url
2- my frontend url

  • Concerning the domain authentification do I need to authenticate my backend URL or my Frontend URL ?

  • In the confirmation mail I have something like : https/my-backend-url/auth/email-confirmation?confirmation=123456 but I want to hide my-backend-url is this possible ?

  • Sometime the confirmation mail go to promotion when a gmail accompte is trying to get his mail confirmed, is it normal? (knowing that the reset password link don’t go to the promotion tab…)

I’m not sure about the rest, but one thing is clear: if user does’nt click the link generated by strapi and sent by email the user can’t be set as email validated: true in the database, so if you want to hide that url you need to use a redirection service that receives whatever is the replaced link, to interpret that link in order to get the link generated by strapi and to programmatically access that link in order to confirm the user’s email.

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