- OS: Mac OS 10.14.6
- Database: Postgres
- Strapi version: 3.2.3
I’m trying to connect a Gatsby frontend to Strapi on Heroku. In gatsby-config.js I switched the value of apiURL
from ‘http://localhost:1337’ to ‘https://[my-app].herokuapp.com’ and this change crashes my page.
Any advice for me?
Can you access your Strapi instance from that URL?
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What exactly happens when it crashes? Can you please share some error logs?
Failed to compile
GraphQL Error Encountered 2 error(s):
- Unknown field 'allStrapiCategory' on type 'Query'. Source: document `usersHassanabuduDocumentsPersonalCodeProjects100DaysGatsbyBlueBinderSrcComponentsListCategoriesSTsx1901940577` file: `GraphQL request`
GraphQL request (3:13)
2: query {
3: allStrapiCategory {
4: edges {
- Unknown field 'allStrapiCategory' on type 'Query'.
file: /Users/hassanabudu/Documents/_personal/code/_projects/100_days_gatsby/blue-binder/src/components/Nav-S.tsx
But you know what, I fixed it! It’s simply that my local machine had content and the setup on Heroku did not.
I am having the exact same use case and issue, but both my local machine and Heroku have the exact same content yet I get the same error. And I am getting a lot of graphql schema errors.
I think the gatsby-source-strapi plugin isn’t working correctly and is not transofrming the strapi graphql schema to the one gatsby uses. Which, I don’t know why that is happening. It works when the strapi server works on my local machine.
How exactly did you fix this issue? Did you run into it again?