"Create new collection type" does not appear in production mode

System Information
  • Strapi Version v4.1.3:
  • Operating System:
  • Database postgresql 8.6.0:
  • Node Version 16.14.0:
  • NPM Version 8.3.1:
  • Yarn Version:

I’m using Strapi with version v4.1.3 with postgresql on heroku hosting.
If I start the Strapi in production mode the button “Create new collection type” does not appear on my strapi backend and i cannot create a new collection type. If I change the mode to development, “Create new collection type” is displayed, but the content
in the database are lost.

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You can not create collection on production, only insert data

if you want to create then run strapi using : npm run develop not npm run start


Thanks! I had the same issue. I followed your advice and it worked.