Cron Job Problem

System Information
  • Strapi Version: v4.25.3
  • Operating System: MacOS
  • Database: MYSQL
  • Node Version: v20.15.0
  • NPM Version: 10.7.0
  • Yarn Version: -

I added a Cron job to my backend to reset all users specific tables at specific times based on my computer’s time. That’s why I didn’t include the tz variable. However, it seems my Cron job is not working. Can you help identify the problem?

I enabled my cron at server.js file

const cronTasks = require("./cron-tasks");

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  host: env('HOST', ''),
  port:'PORT', 1337),
  app: {
    keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
  webhooks: {
    populateRelations: env.bool('WEBHOOKS_POPULATE_RELATIONS', false),
  cron: {  
    enabled: true,  
    tasks: cronTasks,  

And here is my code:

module.exports = {
   * Cron job to reset dailyFocusTime.
   * Every day at 00:00 local time.
  resetDailyFocusTime: {
    task: async ({ strapi }) => {
      console.log('Executing daily reset for dailyFocusTime');
      try {
        await strapi.query('plugin::users-permissions.user').updateMany({
          data: {
            dailyFocusTime: 0,
        console.log('Successfully reset dailyFocusTime');
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Failed to reset dailyFocusTime:', error);
    options: {
      rule: '0 0 * * *', // At 00:00 every day

   * Cron job to reset weeklyFocusTime.
   * Every Monday at 00:00 local time.
  resetWeeklyFocusTime: {
    task: async ({ strapi }) => {
      console.log('Executing weekly reset for weeklyFocusTime');
      try {
        await strapi.query('plugin::users-permissions.user').updateMany({
          data: {
            weeklyFocusTime: 0,
        console.log('Successfully reset weeklyFocusTime');
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Failed to reset weeklyFocusTime:', error);
    options: {
      rule: '0 0 * * 1', // At 00:00 every Monday

   * Cron job to reset monthlyFocusTime.
   * On the 1st of every month at 00:00 local time.
  resetMonthlyFocusTime: {
    task: async ({ strapi }) => {
      console.log('Executing monthly reset for monthlyFocusTime');
      try {
        await strapi.query('plugin::users-permissions.user').updateMany({
          data: {
            monthlyFocusTime: 0,
        console.log('Successfully reset monthlyFocusTime');
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Failed to reset monthlyFocusTime:', error);
    options: {
      rule: '0 0 1 * *', // At 00:00 on the 1st of every month

console.log('Cron tasks have been defined');

As you can see I cannot see anything on console