Custom Fields not working properly

[details=“System Information”]

  • Strapi: 4.4.3:
  • OS: MacOSX:
  • DB: MySQL:
  • Node: v16.16.0:
  • npm: 8.11.0:

When you register a custom fields with a numeric type the onChange function is miserably fails with value.toLowerCase is not a function.

After some tests I realized that only the type string is working with custom fields.

There is a clear way how to solve it??
And what about improve the docs that are incomplete and you need always to find the unspoken knowledge of the implementations???

The error was coming from the “wrong” usages of the Combobox.

But really the docs are terrible guys, how do you think ppl will be able to develop things here???
Unless your target is to push ppl to go for the enterprise version… :man_shrugging:t2: