Custom Roles & Permissions Available for Free in Strapi v4.8

The moment so long awaited by many Strapi users is here. Strapi custom roles and permissions (also known as RBAC) is available in the community edition starting from v4.8. For free. Without limitations.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thank you! This was the main reason why I stopped using strapi, not been able to create new user roles was a serious limitation for me, specially for an open source project. Now I am back to strapi, it’s awesome.

I upgraded to Strapi v4.11.1 and still get the " You have reached the limit" popup. Is there any migration script that needs to be run on an existing DB?

Hey, would you mind leting me know how you applied the plugins? I am still clueless about it. Really needed to edit the roles. Thank you.

Which version of Strapi are you on? All the admin roles and can be edited and created in the Strapi admin area.

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Was on 4.7, now have upgrade to 4.17.1. Managed to edit the roles, Thank you !