Customizing the add content page not to display the cryptic id values

System Information
  • Strapi Version: v 3.2.5
  • Operating System: MacOS and Ubuntu
  • Database: Mongodb
  • Node Version: v12.20.0
  • NPM Version: v6.14.8
  • Yarn Version: NA

Hello Everyone,

This is my first question in the strapi community. I’m trying to customize the admin page especially where user is trying to add content. I’ve a repeatable component with a relation to another content type.

The following screenshots should help you to understand my content model:

The red arrow denotes what we see now. The green arrow value is the one we would like to see on the panel instead of ID value.

[P.S: Sorry about the bad quality of image, as the strapi community forum doesn’t allow me to upload multiple images as I’m new member :frowning:). Kindly open the image in new tab to view it properly.

I’ve tried to follow this documentation: and added the following in extensions:

import { useMemo } from "react";
import { get, toString } from "lodash";
import useDataManager from "../../../../hooks/useDataManager";

function useSelect({ schema, componentFieldName }) {
  const {
  } = useDataManager();

  const mainField = useMemo(
    () => get(schema, ["settings", "mainField"], "id"),

  let displayedValue = null;
  if (componentFieldName.includes("MetaTest")) {
    displayedValue = toString(
      get(modifiedData, componentFieldName, "").meta.MetaName
  } else {
  displayedValue = toString(
    get(modifiedData, [...componentFieldName.split("."), mainField], "")

  return {

export default useSelect;

The piece of code I’ve added is:

  if (componentFieldName.includes("MetaTest")) {
    displayedValue = toString(
      get(modifiedData, componentFieldName, "").meta.MetaName
  } else {
  displayedValue = toString(
    get(modifiedData, [...componentFieldName.split("."), mainField], "")

It worked well while viewing the existing added product. However, when I try to add a new product, and click on AllMetas, I get MetaName undefined error.

I believe it is something to do with the following:

get(modifiedData, componentFieldName, "").meta.MetaName

Kindly help here.