Database identifiers shortened in v5

I’m reading the breaking changes documentation for migrating from v4 to v5, and I was hoping for some clarification on the shortening of database identifiers:

Does this mean that it will shorten things like my api id’s and field names? Or will that be done behind the scenes when converting to database identifiers? Will my endpoint urls and queries be affected? Will collection type folder names be affected?

I haven’t had time to test the Beta – anyone know anything about this?

Hi, we have an article with DB screenshots and video where we tried this.

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Thanks @Ondrej_Mikulcik for your insights.

To me I can’t understand why Strapi again forces us to restructure our code (regarding lifecycles → middleware) or replace id with documentId. After the promises they will not hit us as hard as they did with v4 they do the exact same with v5. :expressionless:

What is your opinion on the changes to multi-language (removal of the localization-field)?