Default sort order: Match API with Admin #8077

This discussion has been migrated from our Github Discussion #8077

FaithOmbongi85d ago

Hello All,

I’m a Technical Writer, no-coder, and 1.5 months old into Strapi. I use it to manage a catalog & enjoy it’s simplicity. I need a feel if this can be logged as a minor issue.

The default sort order on the API seems to be random, yet in Admin, I have defined the default sort attribute. When I make paginated API requests without applying _sort, I receive duplicate records in subsequent pages.

Q. Shouldn’t the default sort attribute as defined in Admin be automatically applied to the API or is this random order intentional?

Responses to the discussion on Github

derrickmehaffy84d ago


can you please move this over to a bug report, I assume this issue only happens to you on Mongo since the default sort for SQL databases is the id which is an integer.

FaithOmbongi84d ago


Hi @derrickmehaffy
I’m actually hosting on PostgreSQL; Server is a Digital Ocean droplet, installed via 1-Click; Strapi Version: 3.1.5

See the 2 snapshots for Admin & customized API response. No parameters were applied to the api request.

derrickmehaffy83d ago


Is this for a relation field?

FaithOmbongi83d ago


Is this for a relation field?

@derrickmehaffy No. The shared extract is actally for a collection with just text types.

derrickmehaffy83d ago


I’m not sure I understand what you mean?

FaithOmbongi83d ago


Hi @derrickmehaffy

I’m just trying to figure out why API objects are not sorted by id by default (like in the DB) - or at least, by the Default sort attribute.
The snapshot shared shows the default sort order for API objects is random.

derrickmehaffy83d ago


The default response is sorted by ID for the root level, any relational connections are not (they are but in certain relation types they are sorted by the middle table that links the two).

If you are using a SQL database (bookshelf connector) in your ./config/database.js in the options object place debug: true which will show the raw SQL query being execute by knex.

derrickmehaffy83d ago


I created a test project with two models:

  • Article (title,body)
  • Comment (text)

With a relation between them set as “Article has many Comments”, creating a single article with 5 comments on it these are the raw Knex queries made to the SQLite database:

  method: 'select',
  options: {},
  timeout: false,
  cancelOnTimeout: false,
  bindings: [ 100 ],
  __knexQueryUid: 'e3a3fd2e-49c4-4709-a01d-e0e0896f7eba',
  sql: 'select `articles`.* from `articles` limit ?'
  method: 'select',
  options: {},
  timeout: false,
  cancelOnTimeout: false,
  bindings: [ 1 ],
  __knexQueryUid: '212ee6ea-96e2-4782-b89b-b6899968fbce',
  sql: 'select distinct `comments`.* from `comments` where `comments`.`article` in (?)'

With SQLite the default sort is based on the primary key (in this case id) in an ASC order, thus the default would largely be based on the created_by date since it and the id will follow the same pattern.

In certain cases such as using a manyWay relation this won’t be the case as in SQL we need 3 tables:

  • Article
  • Comment
  • Article__Comments join table that links them

In this case here are the two SQL statements:

  method: 'select',
  options: {},
  timeout: false,
  cancelOnTimeout: false,
  bindings: [ 100 ],
  __knexQueryUid: '53fc0eea-035c-4149-a5a2-d988003b10e0',
  sql: 'select `articles`.* from `articles` limit ?'
  method: 'select',
  options: {},
  timeout: false,
  cancelOnTimeout: false,
  bindings: [ 1 ],
  __knexQueryUid: 'c3082982-0c38-475d-8b38-d0c7f7159f34',
  sql: 'select distinct `comments`.*, `articles__comments`.`article_id` as `_pivot_article_id`, `articles__comments`.`comment_id` as `_pivot_comment_id` from `comments` inner join `articles__comments` on `articles__comments`.`comment_id` = `comments`.`id` where `articles__comments`.`article_id` in (?)'

And a snip from the database table, as you can see it’s sorting by the id of that table and not the Comments one, thus the comment_id is out of order.


derrickmehaffy83d ago


As a side point I was going to show you an example using GraphQL but I did manage to find a bug, so if the issue for you is related to relations, there is a bug with the manyWay relation type.

See: #8099