Deploy Strapi in Kubernetes with PostgreSQL

I’m trying to create a K8 deployment of Strapi using this doc as a template
I was able to create a deployment of PostgreSQL database but when the application starts it tries to use this DB I get an error
FATAL: database "strapi-k8s" does not exist
I understand that the app tries to use the database that has not been created yet (though while using thу docker compose deployment from the same manual I did not see this problem)
I assume that the app should create a database from the settings (in my case it’s strapi-k8s) but seems like it does not create one as I also see in pods logs these

[2023-09-18 14:44:54.336] ←[34mdebug←[39m: ⛔️ Server wasn't able to start properly.
[2023-09-18 14:44:54.337] ←[31merror←[39m: database "strapi-k8s" does not exist
error: database "strapi-k8s" does not exist

Can anyone tell me what is the best way of setting up the application so it creates and use the database? I do not think I should creatу it manually somehow executing into the pod and run smth like CREATE DATABASE

Fixed by updating deployment file