Deployment of strapi to Azure


I am working on trying to spin Strapi up on an azure web app and have been following the instructions in the documents here Azure Deployment - Strapi Developer Docs.

It does appear to just stop half way though the instructions and just sums it up as deploy with CI/CD. is there any examples of documentation that is in place that follows after setting up the azure systems. Im assuming there is some deployment to run from the repo (also on azure devops), but is there indication on what the .ymal would be that would run the deployment on a push or is there any other way to publish the files from my local machiene to the server on azure.

I think there is an Azure extension available in VSCode that might work, and there are also GitHub workflows to publish from a repository. Honestly, I spent an entire afternoon with one of our support engineers trying to deploy on Azure to eventually improve the guide and we made very little progress. Good luck and if you are successful please share some tips and I will try to make sure the guide is improved.

After a bit of trial and error and a bunch of research, i got strapi to deploy as an app service with a mysql database and azure storage. Ill try write up something around instruction and upload here so can be picked up by others looking to take the same approach but may be a few days before i have a chance to pull it all together around other comitments.

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Hello is there any chance I can see the instructions on what you did? Thank you so much!

Hey sorry compleatly forgot to ever upload my process, ill get it written down and uploaded here asap, it may take me a few days around other comitments, but thanks for the reminder to actually do this :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! Looking forward for the instructions, hopefully you can find the time. I really need your help on this. Thank you!

So while looking though this process again to write a guide i have noticed my way no longer is working and that something somewhere is being blocked.

In essance to point you in the right direction, i had to spin up an app service, storage and database and then bring their variables into the configuration setting of the web app (see image there are a lot of them)

after this i was able to work with a standard build and deploy devops pipeline (alkthough assume github etc would still work).

Looking into whats broke on my side now and then ill do a full doc, sorry its a bit short hand for the time being.

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Hi thanks for this, I have the same build, an app service with mysql and storage. I also have thrm saved on my app service application variables, I linked the app service with my azure repo code. But I cant access my web app. I have to manually ssh then run npm install, npm install mysql then npm run build. For sometime it will work and I can sccess the admin of strapi using my web app address, but when I leave it running for some time, the web app is being stopped and I need to go through the process of manually running the commands. I dont know what am I doing wrong. Do you mind if I can see your sample repo for this? I need to see the file structure of your repo, did you add anything into the code? Thank you so much! Appreciate it.

Hey, so im running my npm install and build as part of my CICD process though the azure pipelines and then publishing the file post build

then on the server i just have the start command as npm run start

only thing i have change is within the package.json replace the start function with

“start”: “node node_modules/@strapi/strapi/bin/strapi.js start”,

Dont think this is 100% required but just means it will always find the correct entry point. Just trying to create a striped back version of the app so can share that as a link once i have that and its running again.

I still cant make it to work sir. I have followed everything in the documentations and your tips, but still cant. Have you tried to create a standard build?

Has anyone had any success with this? It appears that some things have changed with app service since the last time i published.

It looks like I have a consistently working solution. I posted my notes here:

Hello Thomas! I have been trying to connect my strapi app with Azure Blob storage but having trouble with this. Could you please share the approach that you followed to integrate with Azure storage? I have used strapi-provider-upload-azure-storage npm library but could not connect it.

Hi, I followed your steps and still unable to deploy and running my strapi application on Azure. Can you please help me out on this? I am badly stuck and spent almost 6-7 days already on this.