Email template modification

I set my project a reset password using sendgrid provider and I’ve also tried amazon SES both are working great. But when I modify the template in “settings/email templates” it doesn’t affect the content of the email sent (I receive the default message before modification).
Any ideas ?

Can you give me your Strapi version and what database type you are using? (SQLite, MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL?)

Oh yes sorry about it.
strapi version : 3.2.5
database : PostgreSQL

I did some updates, strapi version : 3.3.4
I didn’t figure out how to update the template. I don’t see the changes when i update it.
Also would like to know how to modify <%= URL %> when i’m in production (server.js ?)
thanks for your help

Did you rebuild the admin panel?

@DMehaffy yes I did

And have you configured the public URL in the ./config/server.js (or if your in production/staging, using the ./config/env/*/server.js).

If so can you provide a snippet of your server.js and just swap out your domain for something like


module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
    host: env("HOST", ""),
    port:"PORT", 1337),
    admin: {
      auth: {
        secret: env('ADMIN_JWT_SECRET', process.env.ADMIN_JWT_SECRET),


module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
    host: env("HOST", process.env.HOST || "" ),
    port:"PORT", process.env.PORT || 4000),
    admin: {
      auth: {
        secret: env('ADMIN_JWT_SECRET', process.env.ADMIN_JWT_SECRET),

I use heroku to deploy my app, if I use “” as host variable i got an error.
Do you know where could I find the informations of HOST and PORT ?

and my email config provider : config/plugins.js

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
    email: {
      provider: 'sendgrid',
      providerOptions: {
        apiKey: env('SENDGRID_API_KEY', process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY),
      settings: {
        defaultFrom: '',
        defaultReplyTo: '',

Ah yeah we are missing this in our Heroku guide.

In your server.js (production: ./config/env/production/server.js)

You need to set the url key from here: to your Heroku app URL

In your ./config/env/production/server.js it should look something like:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
    host: env("HOST", ""),
    port:"PORT", 1337),
    url: env("APP_URL"),
    admin: {
      auth: {
        secret: env('ADMIN_JWT_SECRET'),

Then you can set the APP_URL environment variable in heroku with their CLI:

heroku config:set HEROKU_URL=$(heroku info -s | grep web_url | cut -d= -f2)

Which will be something like:

Quick side point as I see there might some confusion as to what the env() function does in those files. I’d suggest you take a look at this:

The env() function has two parameters, the first is the name of the environment variable process.env.SOME_VAR such as env('SOME_VAR') and if that process.env.SOME_VAR is undefined you pass an alternative.

So env('SOME_VAR', 'defaultValue') will read and use process.env.SOME_VAR if it exists, if it’s undefined then it will use defaultValue instead. There is no need to define the process.env.SOME_VAR manually, and if you don’t want a default value then you only need: env('SOME_VAR')

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Alright, thanks a lot for you explanations, I made some changes about my heroku config. Yes, I definitely misunderstood some parts about env function but now it’s fine thanks to you.

But it seems that I missed something because “forgot email” template has been changed but the email that I received using the provider sendgrid or Amazon was the default message. I had the same behaviour in develop mode.

Did I miss something else about the configuration ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

In the Advanced configuration for the users-permissions plugin, do you have a redirect URL defined?

Yes I did, and I have the good URL displayed in the email and it’s working I can modify my password. But I still have the default template.
udpate strapi version: 3.4.0

the URL displayed is correct &working but the message that I can modify in “settings/email templates” is still the default one (screenshot above - difference between backoffice and email sent by sendgrid). @DMehaffy

Sorry it’s been a while, whats the current issue you are having?

The problem come from the difference between the email template set in backoffice and the email that I got from send grid in my inbox (forgotten password). @DMehaffy

Question, is this for the End-users password reset or the Admin user password reset?

I think I see the issue, if this is for Admin Password resets, the template is static:

My bad it was a misunderstanding between categories of ADMINISTRATION PANEL and USERS & PERMISSIONS PLUGIN.
Because I thought the e-mail template was to modify the forgotten password of the backoffice (strapi) during the authentification step. And get a personify template in my email set from the backoffice.
Thanks for you help !

I only just now realized we actually have this documented :man_facepalming:

In case anyone else has questions (or if you didn’t see it @jeremy )

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