Error configure strapi V4 with strapi-provider-upload-ftp-v2


I´m trying configure a connection withe the plugin strapi-provider-upload-ftp-v2 in strapi v4 and when i try to start the strapi i have the next warning on the console

(node:33301) Warning: The upload provider "strapi-provider-upload-ftp-v2" doesn't implement the uploadStream function. Strapi will fallback on the upload method. Some performance issues may occur.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

I put the plugin.js in the config/env/production folder and the plugins.js

module.exports = ({ env }) => {
  const host = env("FTP_HOST");
  const user = env("FTP_USER");
  const password = env("FTP_PASSWORD");
  const basePath = env("FTP_BASEPATH");
  const baseUrl = env("FTP_BASEURL");

  if (!host || !user || !password || !basePath || !baseUrl) return {};

  return {
    upload: {
      config: {
        provider: "strapi-provider-upload-ftp-v2",
        providerOptions: {
          port:"FTP_PORT", 22),

I am using ftp-npm for my solution.

The structure is similar to strapi-provider-upload-ftp-v2.


First of all thanks for take your time responding :slight_smile:

Regarding the solution, the npm package linked is a library for make you the implementation from node to the FTP

I want use a strapi plugin to avoid “reinvent the wheel”


I have the same warning. Other than that it’s a good plugin.
However al the extra functions on images don’t seem te be working. I can upload, delete, replace but I can not crop nor download. Does this have to do with the upload stream missing?