ERROR : ││ TypeError: Error creating endpoint POST /api/generate-backend-function: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'generateBackendFunction')

actually im tring create a plugin that serve to strapi community to have ready backend post request function of the content type
src/server/code-generation/generateBackendFunction.js : // code-generation/generationBackEndFunction.js
‘use strict’;

// Import required modules
const Mustache = require(‘mustache’);

// Define the generateBackendFunction function
async function generateBackendCode(model, method) {
// Sample model schema
const modelSchema = {
kind: ‘collectionType’,
collectionName: ‘blogs’,
attributes: {
Title: { type: ‘string’, required: true, maxLength: 20 },
Description: { type: ‘string’, required: true },
image: { type: ‘string’, required: true },
Sujet: { type: ‘string’ },

// Sample HTTP request type
const requestType = 'POST';

// Define a template for the backend function
const template = `
    module.exports = {
        async handle{{RequestType}}Request(ctx) {
            const { {{Attributes}} } = ctx.request.body;
            try {
                // Add your business logic here
                // e.g., create a new blog entry in the database
                const newBlog = await{ {{Attributes}} });
            } catch (error) {
                ctx.throw(500, 'Error handling {{RequestType}} request', { error });

// Extract attribute names from the model schema
const attributes = Object.keys(modelSchema.attributes);

// Render the template with the extracted attributes and request type
const renderedCode = Mustache.render(template, {
    RequestType: requestType.toUpperCase(),
    Attributes: attributes.join(', '),

// Return the rendered code
return renderedCode;


// Export the generateBackendFunction function
module.exports = generateBackendCode;
// [ src/server/controllers/GenerateBackendFuntion.js : ‘use strict’;

const generateBackendCode = require(‘…/code-generation/generateBackendFunction’); // Corrected import

module.exports = {
async generateBackendFunction(ctx) {
try {

        const { model, method } = ctx.request.body;
        const backendCode = await generateBackendCode(model, method);
        ctx.send({ backendCode });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error generating backend code:', error);
        ctx.throw(500, 'Internal server error');

// src/server/routes/index.js : {
method: “POST”,
path: “/api/generate-backend-function”,
handler: “GenerateBackendFunction.generateBackendFunction”,
config: {
auth: false

but when i run " npm run develop " i get this error : ⠦ Loading Strapi[ERROR] There seems to be an unexpected error, try again with --debug for more information

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐│ ││ TypeError: Error creating endpoint POST /api/generate-backend-function: Cannot read ││ properties of undefined (reading ‘generateBackendFunction’) ││ at getAction (C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN\node_mo ││ dules@strapi\strapi\dist\services\server\compose-endpoint.js:104:24) ││ at C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN\node_modules@stra ││ pi\strapi\dist\services\server\compose-endpoint.js:56:22 ││ at createRoute (C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN\node_ ││ modules@strapi\strapi\dist\services\server\routing.js:71:5) ││ at C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN\node_modules@stra ││ pi\strapi\dist\services\server\routing.js:80:9 ││ at Array.forEach () ││ at Object.addRoutes (C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN\ ││ node_modules@strapi\strapi\dist\services\server\routing.js:78:21) ││ at Object.routes (C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master ││ 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN\node_modules@strapi\strapi\dist\services\server\api.js:20:20) ││ at Object.routes (C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN\nod ││ e_modules@strapi\strapi\dist\services\server\index.js:52:27) ││ at registerPluginRoutes (C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\Strapi ││ GEN\node_modules@strapi\strapi\dist\services\server\register-routes.js:43:21) ││ at registerAllRoutes (C:\Users\USER\Downloads\StrapiGen=master 1\StrapiGen=master\StrapiGEN ││ \node_modules@strapi\strapi\dist\services\server\register-routes.js:20:3) ││

Hi @Moataz_MHAMDI,

I was getting a similar error as well.

 TypeError: Error creating endpoint GET /product-features: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading         ││   'find')

When I checked on my source files. This file was removed


After restoring the file everything was back to normal. In a nutshell, ensure the route you are trying to access exists under your routes. Also, ensure you run npm run develop on a stable internet to avoid Error: ETIMEDOUT: connection timed out, write.