Error uploading to cloudinary: Request Timeout

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.2.0
  • Operating System: windows10
  • Database: postgres
  • Node Version: 16.13.0
  • NPM Version: 8.1.0
  • Yarn Version: 1.22.17

I’ve been facing a issue while uploading the images to cloudinary!.. I’ve setup the plugin.js file and the image successfully gets uploaded to cloudinary but the strapi app crashes… with this error.

[2022-06-30 08:52:00.160] http: GET /admin/plugins/upload?sort=updatedAt:DESC&page=1&pageSize=10 (19 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:01.102] http: GET /admin/project-type (12 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:02.524] http: POST /admin/renew-token (69 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:02.547] http: GET /admin/init (7 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:02.604] http: GET /admin/b997a22a2e0b87ef1fa2.ico (5 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:03.055] http: GET /admin/information (81 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:03.106] http: GET /admin/users/me/permissions (51 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:03.136] http: GET /admin/users/me (67 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:03.180] http: GET /i18n/locales (37 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:03.271] http: GET /admin/15026a3d58aeb2828134.png (5 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:03.369] http: GET /admin/upload.fbc65439.chunk.js (4 ms) 200
[2022-06-30 08:52:03.635] http: GET /upload/files?sort=updatedAt:DESC&page=1&pageSize=10 (45 ms) 200
Error: Error uploading to cloudinary: Request Timeout
    at F:\startup\rentide\backend\node_modules\@strapi\provider-upload-cloudinary\lib\index.js:34:21
    at F:\startup\rentide\backend\node_modules\cloudinary\lib\utils\index.js:1243:14
    at handle_response (F:\startup\rentide\backend\node_modules\cloudinary\lib\uploader.js:483:7)
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (F:\startup\rentide\backend\node_modules\cloudinary\lib\uploader.js:598:12)
    at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:402:35)
    at ClientRequest.emit (node:domain:475:12)
    at TLSSocket.socketCloseListener (node:_http_client:420:11)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:402:35)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:domain:475:12)
    at node:net:687:12
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason:
  error: { message: 'Request Timeout', http_code: 499, name: 'TimeoutError' }
Done in 153.28s.

any updates on this? or at least how to handle the error instead of crashing the whole server?