Error using STRAPI SLUGIFY(search by slug instead of Id)

I was performing search by slug,while i encountered an error

this is my workspace ss

export async function getServerSideProps({ params }) {
const baseUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MOVIE || ‘’;

const { slug } = params;filters[slug]=${slug}`);
const filmResponse = await fetcher(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MOVIE}/api/slugify/slugs/movie/${slug}`);

console.log('Slug:', slug);
console.log('API Slug URL:', filmResponse);
if ( {
    return {
      props: {
  } else {
    return {
      props: {
        error: filmResponse.error.message,

this is my code snippet

Slug: movie2
API Slug URL: {
data: null,
error: {
status: 400,
name: ‘BadRequestError’,
message: ‘movie model name not found, all models must be defined in the settings and are case sensitive.’,
details: {}
GET /_next/data/development/film/movie2.json?slug=movie2 200 in 44ms
this the error , how to resolve?pls help