Experimenting with a fresher look for the documentation ✨

Hello everyone! :wave:

We are experimenting with slightly rebranded documentation on docs-next.strapi.io. This first release includes updated fonts and colors with increased contrast and a more colorful experience.

This is the first step towards an even better documentation product, and many small or big changes will come in the forthcoming months. This is where you, users, can engage in the process :hugs:

Please give us your feedback below on this first change :point_down: We’ll surely listen, iterate, and regularly ask for more feedback for the next steps. Stay tuned for more! :rocket:


We’ve just deployed the new branding to production, as you can see on docs.strapi.io. The website also now features a satisfaction widget.

In the following weeks, we’ll update the search experience. Stay tuned for more, and please keep the feedback coming in. We really appreciate it! :hugs: