Facing issue while adding a new content-type: Says Index already exists. (Strapi Container,Postgres)

debug: :no_entry: Server wasn’t able to start properly.
error: create index “components_readings_information_tp_informations_reference_cell_links_fk” on “public”.“components_readings_information_tp_informations_reference_cell_links” (“tp_information_id”) - relation “components_readings_information_tp_informations_reference_cell_” already exists
error: create index “components_readings_information_tp_informations_reference_cell_links_fk” on “public”.“components_readings_information_tp_informations_reference_cell_links” (“tp_information_id”) - relation “components_readings_information_tp_informations_reference_cell_” already exists

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You might have Component and Components in same folder

No that’s not the issue

I check it is not in the same folder

Names are too long, it’s an issue we are aware of and cannot fix in Strapi 4.
It has already been fixed in Strapi 5 beta.