Fetch select details from image formats

System Information
  • Strapi Version : 4.3.9:
  • *Macos: 13.0.1:
  • My SQL:
  • Node v16.18.1:
  • *NPM 8.19.2:
  • Yarn1.22.19:

I am using the following code to generate query to fetch only URL and hash from formats of featured_image field:

let query = qs.stringify({
  populate: {
    featured_image: {
      populate: {
        formats: {
          populate: {
            large: { fields: ["url", "hash"] },
            medium: { fields: ["url", "hash"] },
            small: { fields: ["url", "hash"] },
            thumbnail: { fields: ["url", "hash"] },

However, the query returns all the data inside the formats part: