System Information
- Strapi Version: 5
- Operating System: Windows 11
- Node Version: 20.10.0
- NPM Version: 10.2.5
I have a collection type A that contains a relation many to many to a collection B. Now I want to filter a query on A in a way that it returns only items that do not contains [“itemBDocumentID”] of B.
Doing this the response effectively discard items containing only the relation to B item I want to discard, but if an A item is related with more than 1 B it return it.
Here is my graphql code :
query A(
$filters: {
"B": {
"documentId": {
"notIn": [
}, $locale: I18NLocaleCode) {
A(filters: $filters, locale: $locale) {
And the response is :
"data": {
"A": [
"documentId": "vmofu4xoagclzd4995m4cci5",
"B": [
"documentId": "ynwees3pjdrw0kztrtm0px0v"
"documentId": "zph962ax2a1fn9r8uqm0eh4f",
"B": [
"documentId": "d54atxm6qutd6i9jj4ldvlr4"
"documentId": "ynwees3pjdrw0kztrtm0px0v"
We can see that the second A item contains the B item and another and is returned. How to discard items containing my unwanted B item ?