Filter with $containsi(not case-sensitive) parameter, doesn't work with cyrillic

System Information
  • **Strapi Version4.5.5:
  • **Operating SystemUbuntu 20.04:
  • **Databasebetter-sqlite3": "7.4.6:
  • **Node Version16.8.0:
  • **NPM Version7.24.2:
  • Yarn Version:

In database i got ingredient with name “Чикен хит”
Request - “/api/ingredients?sort[0]=nameru:asc&pagination[pageSize]=24&pagination[page]=1&populate=&filters[nameru][$containsi]=чик" - does not give me this ingredient, while request - "/api/ingredients?sort[0]=nameru:asc&pagination[pageSize]=24&pagination[page]=1&populate=&filters[nameru][$containsi]=Чик” does.
Filtering with latin symbols work fine.
Please, help


the same problem. did you solve it?

Same problem, how to solve it?

Looks like the problem is because of sqlite3 by default cannot compare characters that are not in ASCII

You are need to use extended sqlite3 (ft3/ft4) that has such feature

I have build from source with enabled fts3/fts4/fts5 and it is not working