FlutterFlow and Strapi

Seeing that FlutterFlow ( or Teta or soon Nowa ) is using Api can i use it to interface the Strapi’s backend to the FlutterFlow’s frontend ?
Do i have first to deploy it to Netlify ( heroku, forestadmin etc ? ).
A client of mine is asking to me cause he doesn’t want to use the Firebase one so i was curious about it .
Can you help me?

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I also have the same question …

  • you can currently connect to any desired backend using manual API
  • but the question is that if flutterflow/Strapi is going to make official integration module as the with Firebase
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Would love to hear of any recent experiences on Flutterflow Strapi integration. Flutterflow has really matured well and the seamless integration with the likes of fire base is a real productivity boost.