GCP / Google Cloud Deployment hosting guide missing

Hi Strapi team,

Currently using Strapi v4 and I wanted to check few deployment notes regarding strapi deployment on GCP or Google Cloud. To my surprise, I was not able to find this documentation for v4.

Earlier in the year, you made a commitment for maintaining better documentation. Could you please inform us when you no longer support specific cloud deployments or major changes to your docs.

It’s very frustrating.

would love to know as well. I managed to deploy it to Google App Engine but it no longer fits my needs & I would love to know what the “best way” forward is for Strapi

Having used GCP, AWS and Azure, GCP provided the most straightforward deployment structure without losing out much on control and security measures.

Would be interesting to know why it’s been deprecated or no Linder part of the official docs.

I am now referring to v3 docs and download them as PDF’s, just in case. :man_shrugging:t4: