Get all model in custom field

i have a bit same thing to do
I have my custom plugin and i need depending on some Component field value (for example its Relation field) set some text value in my custom plugin.

Here is my Component
and EntryTitle is my Plugin. It have some options:

and i need select field inside Relation field. Options should be all fields inside Component. The main idea its i need to create field for Entry title for the Relation Field. (Some kind of fix Relation selection field is showing IDs instead of names)
How i can get list of fields inside my plugin, as i understand before registering app.customFields.register({ i need to get all fields and put it inside

        base: [
            name: 'options.relation',
            type: "select",
            intlLabel: {
              id: 'form.attribute.item.dependency',
              defaultMessage: 'Relation field',
            description: {
              id: 'form.attribute.item.dependency.description',
                "Set field to build Entry Title",
            options: [. ----- THERE```
But i cant find info where i can get fields.