Getting object is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator)) on Google provider callback

Trying to get my client app working with Strapi and Google oauth provider. After obtaining the access_token, I am trying to call http://localhost:1337/api/auth/google/callback/?access_token=my_token_data. I get an error as follows:
error: object is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))
TypeError: object is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))
at Object.plugin.controllers.auth.callback (/Users/dude/nodejs/myapp/src/extensions/users-permissions/strapi-server.js:227:12). Any suggestions? Thank you.

The error means that you are trying to loop over a single item :slight_smile:
And it’s telling you that you can’t make loops over a single thing.

Make the data possible into an array and then loop ?